Birth Stories

In our culture, it is rare to hear our ancestors' birth stories as we grow up. Hearing about these experiences is very important; positive birth stories, even if the birth did not go as planned, help people to know that, "Yes, birth works, babies come out. I can do this, too.”

Sharing stories of your birth can help other families who are planning their own get an idea of the variety of ways the process can unfold, and help them recognize that a home or birth center birth is an option .

Sharing birth stories is a time-honored tradition that we believe in and encourage. Here are some links to birth stories from our clients. 


Willow is born on a Spring Evening by Sokokis Lake. On May 4th at 8:30 pm, as I was getting Gabby ready for bed, I got hit with a pretty intense contraction. I continued to get her upstairs and rushes kept coming...


Happy to share this as our story is one that ends the complete opposite of what you hope for in a home birth. could offer some perspective to those that may have to let go of their hopes for a drug/hospital free birth like...


Finally, a birth story post! Jude Patrick Libby was born on July 20th (his due date) after a moderately easy and uncomplicated eight hour labor, with half an hour of pushing and no tearing or other issues . . .


It was mid-afternoon on my due date and the Braxton hicks contractions were feeling different and coming more frequently, perhaps even in a pattern. I decided I’d try out a contraction-timer app that I had downloaded a long time ago, but had never used...


My pregnancy with Harper was textbook and relatively easy. Hannah is an energetic three year old and keeping up with her could be tiring, but over all I felt well, and was healthy. Early in this pregnancy we decided that we wanted to pursue a home birth and we were excited to find...


Labor began on a Friday night...actually one week before I lost my mucus plug, and I was uncomfortable with light rushes on and off most of that week. Friday was no different, although I did have my mother in law watch my 3 year old (Gabbie) so I could get some rest during that day "just in case"...


Although I did not know this at the time, a two hour massage followed by some super spicy Thai food was just what I needed to send me into labor. I remember laying my head on my pillow and going to bed on Friday April 6th (the day before my due date)...


I’ll never forget the day you were born. Your birth was amazing, and powerful, and changed our lives forever. You arrived 11 days before your due date, after a seven and a half hour labor. It all started when my water broke in the shower around...


My dearest Harper Jude, Though the wait for you seemed a long one, the story of your birth is actually a very, very short one. All in all…just a little bit less than an hour! During the autumn season in which you were born, I had been having contractions and...


Beautiful Thea was born on May 12th 2022 but let's go back to the beginning when I first met with Brenda and Acadia at Brenda's home/office overlooking the serene Saco River with sweet and timid goats around the yard....


Anticipating the home birth of our first child, Lily Radhe, our days were filled with gathering water birth supplies, prepping the pantry and enjoying winter stillness in Maine’s countryside. My heart’s desire was to bring Lily into the world in our home with little...


I woke up to a clamping down just before midnight. I felt excited, anticipatory, like “OK, this is finally it.” I was in a sleepy haze and knew that I should try to sleep as long as possible. The contractions had me in the bathroom every 10 minutes, violently cleaning out my body...